A moveable feast, the boats bobbing, the fishnets, the molo (the port), the evening apertivo by the boats with soul stirring music, the hydrangea bushes, the hillside slopes, the fuschia pink buongavilla creepers in the Castello, stories of MADI and the youth hostel in the Castello from the flower child era, Mary Shelley place of inspiration, Keats and Bryron's poetry, and the modem artists in the place: born in mumbai, and grew up in Lerici, intellectual, smart, questioning, and talented: Jaya Cozzani, whose work is immortalized in the 12th century castello's alleyway.
Introduced to this place, by chance, when I came in search of answers to the one person who had caught my heart, and stirred my soul, and it's smitten me.
As a designer, my creative eye, and creative overload of peace, tranquility and
Creativity. Intellectual conversations, the turquoise sea, the flowers, the seagulls add a magical dimension to existence. Mixing the mystical with the magical, Punjab's beauty and the gulf of the poets's serenity will bring new creativity out of me. There is a reason for everything that happens in life.
Should I complete my half-written novel, should I design a line inspired by the paintings of acquarelli di Jaya?
Why am I here ?

The creepers reminding of the flower child era, parties at the Youth Hostel
run by a lady called 'MADI'. The castle was opened especially for me, thanks to
my artist friend, Jaya.
With happiness and joy ahead.
Indian born artist: Jaya Cozzani's work at the 12th century 'Castello' (below).
Me: below in a dress made by me in fabrics from India, the cotton handbag, developed in Jaipur, Rajasthan. All pure cotton, perfect for the Hot Italian Summer.
conversations with the beautiful soul Eva, half norwagiean, half italian. With the Intellectual, greatly talented Artist: Jaya Cozzani lives
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