Challenge ends dec 16, 2015
Start of Travel, I select June 13. It's my lucky number, and the flight is 123. My guiding number ! And the movie that I saw on the airplane is called 'wild' - the girl who walks the pacific crest trail (pst) in California: hitch hicking and backpacking. That movie changed my mindset towards my journey and I set my challenge: I am going to couch surf to build this company. 6 months, 2 continents
And I am journaling the challenge.
So, part 1 version which you already know.
June in Florence, Italy
My luggage never exceeded 22 to 25 kgs. I let a lot of things with friends And gifted a lot along the way. But magically, i never seema to run out of Clothes or Shoes And had stuff for all occasions. Meetings, cocktails, galas at the Plaza hotel, concerts, sveltering summer at record 45 degrees And freezing Winter. There were pitstops for energy recharging always, as we taureans need our rest periods. The italian riveria offered solace as did east Village And Brooklyn artistic energies.
Couch-surfing (friends lent me their couch to camp while I did business development meetings and met investment banks.

Phase 1: Europe done. Back to india to pick up winter clothes and fly to Wall Street, New York

Part 2 posting from America.
Hope you are rooting for me in these final 20 days of the Challenge.
The summit is yet to be climbed.....New York took time to acclimatize, also I lost time as none of my bank credit or debit cards from india or italy worked, so I spent a week fixing that. In addition, coming from the italian summer into this frenetic pace, took time to get in this mega river of energy. One had to be a strong swimmer here because it's swim or sink.
Will I make it, in New York, the greatest city in the world 'the empire'.
All I can say is: It's not over until I win ! And let's step up the pedal and push the gas.
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